This Breakout  game is a part of the 20 games challenge.
I've used a singleton Global script for the first time and it was a complete mess!! But I managed to get it working.
I could not manage to add a restart button (despite being relatively easy) because of the current structure of the code and it would just be an extra hassle to do so and refactoring now isn't worth it.
Still, it was nice to use a singleton to manage score, save levels, and add a pause feature and so on. I also procedurally generated levels instead of making separate scenes for different levels which was both nice (because it saves a lot of time) but also completely ugly xD (randomly generated colors and number of bricks).
All in all, Breakout is such great learning experience and I'm glad I took the extra mile of pushing my beginner knowledge and design limits despite the modest result because ultimately it was worth it!

Published 9 hours ago
Made withGodot


breakout.rar 2.1 MB

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